Monday, September 8, 2014

Younique- Where do you see yourself?

Where do you see yourself in the next year? 5 years? 10 years?
How would you want to be a part of one of the fastest growing companies in the world?
I'm hoping to see what aspect of Younique you are interested in most- products, parties, presenting or partnership. I have written more info about each below when I share my Younique story.
Products- you can access my site anytime and check out our products, including our newly released eye serum, lip and eye pencils and more coming over the next few months- we list all ingredients used on our website. Check out the Sets to save on LIKE items, and the Collections to save on a variety of items.
Parties- reply to this email and let me know you want to get on my calendar, I'll let you know a few open dates (only a few left this month), you'll invite your friends and I'll do the presentation, giveaways, etc. This month there is a hostess bonus for a Free 3D Fiber Lashes with a qualified party!
Presenting- reply to this email with any other questions you have or get started through my link so we can start your training! I had 8 ladies join over the last month and it's always fun to help guide them to the next steps and
Partnership- forward this email to someone you know and let them know why you thought of them. I reward referrals, so make sure they let me know where they found my info.
How I found Younique
I started this business almost 2 years ago!
It was brand new and no one had heard of it yet but I had a friend who knew the co-founders and their family and I loved the type of products they were going to be representing. We had cleaned up our diets, medicines and felt there was one area I needed to clean up as well. I was on the hunt for quality, natural ingredients in cosmetic and skin care products that worked with my sensitive skin and Younique had it, including this 3D mascara I kept hearing about and couldn't wait to try for myself!
All I had to go on was the mission statement:"Younique's mission is to uplift, empower, validate, and ultimately build self-esteem in women around the world through high-quality products that encourage both inner and outer beauty and spiritual enlightenment while also providing opportunities for personal growth and financial reward."
We have a number of great products- our featured product that most have heard about is our 3D Fiber Lashes. But we have everything- mineral eye shadow pigments, blushers, concealers, BB cream, eye and face primer, moisturizer, cleanser, lip gloss and more.
We also have a party system for online parties (if you do a home party, just order through the special link) and you can invite on Facebook to friends in any of the countries we are open (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and startingOctober 1- United Kingdom). Hostesses of qualified parties earn free and half price products.
There weren't any products when I joined, so I couldn't really share or show anything yet. I was presenter #79 and first Hawaii presenter. My friend that introduced me and became my sponsor is from Alaska (#36) and she is one of the highest status and paid presenters. Today the presenters get a variety of products including the 3D Fiber Lashes, the eye brush set and the tester size mineral pigment colors to try. The kit is changing on October 1 to 8 full size pigments with a lip gloss plus the 3D Lashes and eye brushes.
We don't have any auto-ships, website fees, annual fees, inventory requirements or anything like that. To stay active, you just have to sell $125 every 90 days- those can be your purchases (I buy in advance and resell as people pick up) or ones people buy directly through your site. You make 20-25% off your sales plus team sales and get paid within 3-4 hours of each purchase. You even get $25 in Y-cash on your birthday!
I have seen Younique make a difference in so many women's lives and also for their families. Homeless, jobless, bedrest with huge medical bills, single parents, college students, or women looking to help bring in more income for their family- Younique has done it all. Next year, we are also starting our Foundation to help abused women have a place to heal. I love where we've been and watching it grow and heading into this great direction. I'm looking forward to having more of you see the good this company has given to over 80,000 women (and even some men)!
Lindsey Pierce
Younique founding presenter #79,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Enter to win 3D Fiber Lash Mascara!

After I announced my break an awesome opportunity came up and I had to jump on it- it's a cosmetics company called Younique- I was already looking for something better for my face and skin and this answered that need- naturally-based products and something I could do from home!
One of our first products and in my favorites is our 3D Fiber Lash mascara.  It's two mascara-like tubes that give you the look of extensions but without the cost!  Mascara is a favorite for so many, I had to share this! 
Easy to put on- you first do the larger tube of Transplanting Gel, then while still wet the other small tube of Green Tea Fibers starting midway up your lashes- then seal on with the Gel.  Then repeat on the other eye!  You can keep layering for extra POP!

I wanted to do a giveaway for all the awesome Aloha Deals readers we've had over the years- started the coupon adventure over 4 years ago!  I love that there are other blogs now to keep you going- Hawaii Shopaholics and M2M Inspired Hawaii.  I loved working with Ashley and Christine- both had babies last month!  Support those new and new-again moms!

This company has been amazing- they even just announced we'll never have website fees, autoship or renewal fees EVER!  In 2013 we opened in Canada, adding Quebec last week!  In 2014 we are opening in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom- can't wait to find new partners in those countries!  We get things wholesale as presenters and you get paid the same day people purchase on your site!  Seriously, I've never seen a better company to be a part of- and I've done others.

If you want FREE stuff, just start a party and we'll play games with your friends, talk about the different products and maybe even win stuff!  I'll throw in a bonus gift if it's your birthday month too!

Check out YOUNIQUE and get entered to win some amazing mascara- we call it MAGIC Mascara!
To enter- use the widget here or on my FB page:
Giveaway now ended.  Check out to find other giveaways, special offers!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Grocery Deals -- Menu Plannning 102

How are the Master Lists coming along?

The reason I started this was for my own menus and also because every time I have a coupon class, someone always says, "There aren't coupons for the foods we eat".  This is why I also give some menu planning guides in my class.  Buying what you eat (Master list) and watching the sales are a great way to start saving in your family's grocery budget.

One site that has grown into something I use more of is, and it works for anyone no matter where they live.

This site keeps track of the grocery and drug stores in your area along with the national chains (Target, Walgreens, etc- prices may vary, especially for Hawaii).  Once you have your account set up, you can see All deals or just those with Coupons, by Store or by Category, select the stores and categories you want shown.
My preference is All deals by Category so I can see if a sale is better at one store vs. another.  I can also deselect categories we don't use (alcohol/beer).

As you scroll down the list (10, 20 or 50 per page), you can add items to your shopping list and it keeps the items by store.  You can also add quantities to remember how many to purchase- this is great if you are shopping your pantry first and making sure you pick up the amount you need. I'm still trying to get the email version to work, so printing is the best option before your trip to the store.

There's even an option to set up alerts for certain products/items that may be on your list- know if it's time to buy once a sale is out!  There's always that item you are watching for sales on, now there's a site that does it for you so you don't miss it!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Menu Planning 101

What's for dinner? 

That question most of us dread, DAILY!

We're going to start taking some steps toward building our menu plan with a supply of food and necessities (non-food).  This will help you know what deals you need to be looking for later as we build up our supplies a little at a time.  Doing this work up front will make it so you can eliminate that question and simplify our busy lives.  It can also save our money- no last minute runs to grab something quick (and probably less healthy) to eat!

This is just one way of doing a Menu Plan, and you can follow it or do whatever variation you'd like- just find something that works for you!  Each family has different tastes and preferences, so there's no way my plan would work for even my sister's family.

First step: List your 10 favorite dishes
Items needed: Printout page 1, pen

Get your family involved!  Have your family list your favorite meals. Explain that you are working on a list of the family's favorites so that you will know what to shop for when it's on sale to save money.  There are many cases when a food supply comes in handy- in a natural disaster or family emergency, when no money might be coming in for a short while or when someone (mom) is sick or just can't get to the store.  Decide as a family how much of the family budget should go toward building food supplies.  (Buying extras of an item when it is on sale will save your family $$ in the long run, so you aren't buying something when you feel like making it again at regular price.) 

Keep a variety in your list, cause you'll need to be able to have some nights where the preparation takes less time than other nights.  Besides entrées, also list side dishes, lunches, breakfasts, snacks/desserts.  See if you can get up to 10 in each category- this will give you a 2 week menu plan when we are done.  I'm now doing a 2nd set of 2 weeks so I'll have 4 weeks to rotate with and keep a list of the items to keep in stock.

We do leave some open days for trying a new recipe or using up leftovers (switch them up where you can to make it "like new") or for nights the family goes out.  That will keep you flexible and work with the family's schedule that week.

When our family did this, our boys suggested "green beans" as every side dish.  We definitely learned we needed to work on introducing more variety into their diets!

Next step: Assign your meals into the weekly menu HERE
Instruction on the sheet

Third step: Make a Master grocery list
Either in EXCEL or whatever works for you.
Each time you use an item for a different meal, add a tally mark so you know how many of an item you need to have for the 2 weeks.

Next to your master list items, keep track of the good sales prices you find on those items- know when to stock up and so you'll have extras to use (except fresh items have to be purchased as you do each menu).

I don't have the computer skills to do anything cute/crafty, but I did find a cute worksheet you can do your weekly plans on (7 days instead of 5) and make a separate one for each week on there. Laminate it and reuse the lined area with an erasable pen for your grocery shopping trip!

This is the point where you could get coupons involved- having the best prices listed and using coupons when those sales come around.

Each week as a family, we talk about our schedule and what is going on- lets me know what nights I need to depend more on the crockpot, or when we'll be out and I can fill in the menu for the week around our events.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Keep Saving with Aloha!

Aloha Deals was started almost 2 1/2 years ago as a way to post about the deals happening in our state.  I wanted it to be a place where we could all share our finds and saving stories with each other and get Hawaii on the couponing map!  Not many sites were willing to work with a site about Hawaii, so I appreciate those I did work with over the years and now it has grown to a huge number of Hawaii bloggers so I know we are all in good hands- especially sites like Hawaii Shopaholics, All Coupon'ed Out and M2M Inspired Hawaii, who I have loved working with this year.
Keep Saving and using that Aloha when you shop- it's fun to get great deals, but let others enjoy it as well!  Maybe I'll even see you out shopping again!  I have loved meeting and getting to know other savvy shoppers here, but I won't be posting or blogging anymore.  My time and focus is on growing my travel/vacation planning business- Enchanting Vacation Deals!  
Hope to see you there and help you save in other ways!