Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Family Central: Menu plan- Master shopping list!

Get those recipes out- now to ITEMIZE what is used in your recipes so you have a Master shopping list and also keep your price points with it so you will know if it is a price worth buying at or not.  When you beat your price points- STOCK UP!

For the tech-savvy, has an Excel version (see Three-month Food Supply and tutorial) to use and you keep the items with the recipes, and you'll easily see how many of each item to get. It does assume that you're doing each recipe once every month, so if you need to write it in a few more times make sure to do that (copy and paste) x how many times in 1 month you plan to use that meal will get you the right measurements for your storage.

There's also a printable version to write out and do the math yourself. 

This will make your shopping more efficient and you'll know right away what prices to look for!

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