Friday, June 11, 2010

3-Month Food Storage: A well stocked pantry and home

Every so often, it's good to look at your inventory and see what you might still need to stock up on.

EverydayFoodStorage.NET has a great printout for items to have around that will make cooking almost ANY recipe a breeze.  If you have these things on hand, it eliminates those last minute runs to the store for one or two items, which is also when some impulse buying happens.

It also starts to suggest some longer-term food storage items.  Her blog has lots of great recipes to use those kinds of foods.  She's even started over with basics and has video blogs to watch while she explains everything.

Not only do we stock up on food/pantry items, but the household and toiletry items we use everyday as well!  This is what we try to do here- find those items to stock up on and the best prices!

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